The Case Against Nonprofit AI: Common Questions Answered and Myths Debunked
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The Case Against Nonprofit AI: Common Questions Answered and Myths Debunked

What comes to mind when you think of artificial intelligence (AI) in the nonprofit sector?  Do you imagine robots counting the cash your organization has brought in from a fundraiser? Do you see yourself sitting on the couch while some software sends personalized emails to your donors? Do you see yourself inputting equations into an…

How To Measure Donor Engagement
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How To Measure Donor Engagement

Fundraisers play an essential role in developing and nurturing donor relationships. A healthy relationship with your donors can lead to more positive donor engagement and interactions with your nonprofit’s campaigns and programs. As such, it is vital to know how to calculate and track the metrics that measure your donor engagement performance.  This article outlines metrics that…

How to Create a Donor Acquisition Plan that Attracts Prospects
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How to Create a Donor Acquisition Plan that Attracts Prospects

Donor acquisition is the process of attracting new donors to your nonprofit organization’s cause. It is a strategy that involves connecting with supporters and prospects and encouraging them to become engaged donors who stay committed to your nonprofit’s cause and mission.  For several nonprofits, donor acquisition goes hand in hand with donor retention as they…